I am a professional over-thinker who loves the art of storytelling.

Making words my superpower

Who is Willow Knotts?

I am a professional over-thinker who loves the art of storytelling. Growing up, I was always a quiet kid. At the age of one, I was adopted from China by my beloved parents. It was normal for children, specifically young girls, to be abandoned in public parks or outside government buildings due to the one-child policy. While a lot of my journey coming to the United States lives somewhere in my forgotten consciousness, it still is a prominent fact that shapes who I am today. Being brought to a new country with a new language is a huge adjustment for just about anyone. That’s where I believe my overthinking came from. I would always ask, “What should I say if someone asks me a question?” or “What didn’t I say that I should have said?” In my early school days, I had always gravitated to writing to express myself. I would lose myself in the blue lines of my notebook paper and indulge in the world of my imagination. Writing became something that was safe for me; it was my way of communicating the emotions I had otherwise hidden.

Time has been quite kind to me as I have learned immensely what it means to be a good writer. Every day, I learn something new from the people around me as well as from myself. I am excited to embark upon a new passage as I finish up my senior year at Temple University and continue to use my past, present, and future to make my own mark on the world.